Jumat, 17 November 2017

[ACADEMIC] Chapter 5: Determine Your True Goal

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Hello Guys, back again with me

This moment, I will resume the next chapter, that is Chapter 5: Determine Your True Goals. Have you done read my previous resume? I think you have to read the previous chapter before you read this chapter.

Check it dot!

Have you planned your goals? if you have not plan your goals, you can as yourself “What do I really want to do with my life” if you have the answer, the it’s called your goal. In determining your true goals, you start with your vision, your values, and your ideals.
You start your general goals and then move to more to more specific goals:
1.      What are your three most important financial goals right now?
2.      What are your three most important family or relationship goals, right now?
3.      What are three most important health and fitness goals, right now?

After that, you can identify your worries. Ask yourself “what are my three biggest worries or concern in life, right now?”. After you know the answer, you can little by little eliminate your worries.

To realize your true goals, you can upgrade your skills and change everything else about what are you doing. In determining your true goals, use the “Magic Wand” technique. Imagine that you have a magic wand that you can wave over a particular area of your life.

In setting your true goals as an extension of imagining that you have no limitations, make up a “Dream List”. A dream list is a list of everything you would like to be, have or do in your life, sometime in the future, if you had no limitations at all.

And the biggest setting your true goals is no fear of failure. Here is another question to help you clarify your true goals: “What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt?” and eliminate your negative thinking believe yourself that you can realize your true goals.

You can also check my previous resume Table of Content, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter4 and don’t forget to give me feedback

Thank you^^


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