Senin, 12 Maret 2018

[ACADEMIC] Academic Reading Skills: What is The Writer Trying to Say?

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello guys back again with me
This time I will share what is the next project that I do
The next project is sharing about the article of subject Critical Reading. The article is “The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in The First Year University Courses”. Journal by Julian Hermida of Algoma University, Canada.

What is the writer trying to say?
In this article, the writer try to say how the teachers try to teach the proper reading strategies to help students use a deep approach in reading academic texts. Participants of this research study were taken from first-year College in the Legal Studies course. The objective of the study is to evaluate students approach to reading by assessing the quality of their learning outcomes. Contrast, a deep approach to reading is an approach where the reader uses higher-order cognitive skills such as the ability to analyze, synthesize, solve problems, and thinks meta-cognitively in order to negotiate meanings with the author and to construct new meaning from the text. The deep reader focuses on the author’s message, on the ideas she is trying to convey, the line of argument, and the structure of the argument. The reader makes connections to already known concepts and principles and uses this understanding for problem solving in new contexts. Simply put, surface readers focus on the sign, i.e., the text itself, while deep readers focus on what is signified, i.e., the meaning of the text (Bowden & Marton, 2000, p.49).

In general, these studies try to explain this phenomenon by focusing on students’ attitudes, activities, and skills. The research study presented in this paper shows that when teachers design an aligned course that places academic reading at the forefront of the course, where the selected class activities encourage students to use higher-order cognitive skills to construct meaning from academic texts, and teachers implement assessment tools aimed at evaluating whether students use such skills to read academic texts, the result is that students tend to take a deep approach to reading and learning.

Thank You for Reading^^


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