Jumat, 24 November 2017

[ACADEMIC] Chaper 6: Decide Your Major Definite Purpose

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello, good people!

Back again with me hehe
Today I will resume the chapter six: Decide Upon Your Major Definite Purpose. Have you read my previous resume? I hope that you have read it before.

Okay here we go!

“Whenever you find something getting done, you find a monomaniac with a mission.”
          In this chapter, the writer (read: Brian Tracy) thought that you have to decide your ultimate goal, your main goal. Cause in law of correspondence, your experiences will harmonize with your goals. When you have a major definite purpose that you think about, talk about and work on all the time, your outer world will reflect this, like a mirror image.

          You have to active your Reticular Cortex; When you send a goal message to your reticular cortex, it starts to make you intensely aware of and alert to people, information and opportunities in your environment that will help you to achieve your goal.

          Your major definite purpose can be defined as the one goal that is the most important to you at the moment. It must be something that you personally really want, clear and specific, must measurable and quantifiable, and believable and achievable.

          Before you do what should you do to achieve your goals, you have to be honest with yourself anything what you want and anything you do, and don’t sabotage yourself to do what you want get it flow and you feel enjoy.

          Here is an exercise for you. Take out a sheet of paper and write down a list of ten goals you would like to accomplish in the foreseeable future. Write them in the present tense, as though you had already achieved these goals. For example, you would write, “I weigh XXX pounds.” Or, “I earn XXX dollars per year.”

          After you have completed your list of ten goals, go back over the list and ask yourself this question: “What one goal on this list, if I were to accomplish it immediately, would have the greatest positive impact on my life?”

          In almost every case, this one goal is your major definite purpose. It is the one goal that can have the greatest impact on your life, and on the achieving of most of your other goals, at the same time.

Okay just little from me, I hope you and me can decide our own main goal in our life.

Thank you for reading^^


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