Sabtu, 02 Desember 2017

[ACADEMIC] chapter 10: Remove The Roadblocks

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello good people!
Welcome back with me, tonight I will share the next chapter what I resumed. Check this out!

“The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process getting to the top”

How many times do you think that people try to achieve their new goals before they give up? The average is less than one time. Many people give up before they try it. The fact is, unsuccessful people fail far more often other. They try more things, fall down, pick themselves up and try again, over and over again before they win through.

You should expect to fail and fall short many times before you achieve your goals. You should look upon failure and temporary defeat as a part of the price that you pay on your road to the success that you will inevitably achieve.

Once you have decided upon your goal, ask yourself, “Why am I not there already?” and then identify all the obstacles that stand between you and your goal. Write down every single thing that you can think of that might be blocking you or slowing you down from moving ahead.

Successful people always think about solution, “How can I do this?” “How can I get this?”. They are constantly looking for ways to get over, around and past the obstacles that stand in their ways. Solution oriented people, on the other hand, simply ask the question, “How can we solve this?” and then take action to deal with the problem.

1.      Identify a major goal and then ask, “Why aren’t I there already? What is holding me back?” List everything you can think of.
2.      Look into yourself and face the possibility that it is your own fears and doubts that are your biggest roadblocks to success.
3.      Identify the constraint or limiting factor, in yourself or the situation, that sets the speed at which you achieve your goal.
4.      Develop several definitions of your major problem or obstacle. Ask, “What else is the problem?”
5.      Define your best solution as a goal, set a deadline, make a plan of action and then get busy on your plan. Work on it every day until the problem is solved or the obstacle is removed.

That is all for me, thank you for reading!


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